Judicial Forgiveness and Relational Forgiveness

We have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and in order to escape the wages of sin, which is death (Romans 6:23), we need forgiveness.

Judicial Forgiveness

We have judicial forgiveness available to us from God that allows us to receive salvation because of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Relational Forgiveness

In order to be in close fellowship with Christ, we are in need of relational forgiveness. We have this by walking in the light He places on our path and in honest confession before God.

If we at anytime decide to be disobedient to what God tells us or we don’t walk in the light He reveals to us, we have disrupted that relational forgiveness.

It is similar in human relationships. If we disagree with a sibling or spouse or friend etc., we are still their sibling, spouse or potential friend but the relationship is no longer the same. It becomes stressed, distant, or uncomfortable. Until honest confession is practiced, those negative aspects will remain and often grow within that relationship. With God and humans, when we aren’t remaining close then we are often becoming more distant.

If a disobedience/sin (disobedience is sin) separates us from God, we can’t ignore it and continue to hear from God in the same way as we once did. That disobedience/sin needs to be taken care of in order to reestablish the closeness that was once there. Often times the relationship will be more intimate than before.

It will always be our wrong decisions that will be the cause of a disruption in the peace we have with God because He will never be the cause of disunity. He is always the perfect part of the relationship.

God Wants Us to Live at Peace

God wants us to live at peace with Him and at peace with others. God wants unity. (John 17:23, Ephesians 4:13, Colossians 3:4) Awesome thought of what could be accomplished in becoming “mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

With respect to people, we can only do so much to live at peace. It is not just based on one party because there is no perfect side to the relationship as in the relationship with God. We are called to do our part (Romans 12:18) as Christ commands and then leave the rest up to Him. We can love them and pray for them but the results are left up to God and their response to Him. God gives each of us the free will to choose to be obedient or not. We will know those that know Him if they are obeying His commands. (1 John 2:4-11)

In order to see the way God sees, we must hear what He says. (Romans 10:17) You have to be in His Word and have that close relationship with Him to know what He says and to have His perspective.

Which comes first the chicken or the egg? sin or bondage?

God gave us the Ten Commandments to keep us from bondage not to enslave us.

Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:1-21

“The Ten Commandments represent an ancient boundary stone” and they are not to be moved around to fit our lifestyle.

Proverbs 22:28

“Those who live beyond the boundaries will not only return to bondage, they will leave a well-trodden path for generations to follow in their footsteps.” “All bondage begins with sin.” “All bondage promotes sin.” Which comes first? The sin or the bondage? “The tie between generational bondage and generational sin is” an ongoing cycle. It begins when someone moves the stone and begins living by their “own set of rules.” It will only stop when “someone has enough courage to move back to the ancient boundary stone God ordained.”

Exodus 20:5-6

Taken from Beth Moore’s Bible Study Breaking Free