Discover Freedom

Storms are a part of life

We all experience storms at sometime in our lives. God want you to discover freedom. As Pastor Curtis mentioned, sometimes a storm that occurs in our life is caused from our sin, sometimes it is caused from the sins of others or maybe we have or will experience storms from both causes. The sins of others may have caused trauma in our life that we don’t feel we can get over. God wants to deliver you too. Whatever the cause, God is there with us whether we realize it or not. God also wants to bring us through the storm and help us overcome anything we struggle with or whatever is holding us in bondage because of the storm. He uses everything we go through if we give it to Him.

Desire to see others free

I long to see people be set free from whatever is keeping them from all that God has planned for them. This church service confirmed my desire to help others find that freedom. I have seen what God can do in the lives of those that will follow Him. God’s timing is so amazing. He sends the same message through different channels to those that are seeking. Our Sunday School lesson touched on the idea that sometimes we are our worst enemy. We say we want deliverance but we don’t do our part. Even as a follower we still hold onto things that hold us back.

Helping others find freedom

When we try to help others find deliverance, if they don’t want it, it isn’t going to work. God’s timing is what we need to wait for in this case. God knows how to reach them and what they need better than we do. We just need to watch for the opportunities that God puts before us to be able to help someone when they are seeking. He knows what some need to experience to really get it and what they need to experience to be the perfect witness to help someone else.

Discover Freedom

Finding deliverance for yourself

No matter what you need delivered from, God is bigger than that thing and He wants to help you. No one is exempt from God’s love. If you are sincerely seeking deliverance, God wants to hear from you. He will hear you. You can use your honest words and talk to Him just as if you are talking to a person. If you need help with some words you can read these to begin your journey. Sometimes you may want a person to contact, you can email me from this site. You may also want to reach out to a church, I am sure someone would love to talk with you and put you on a path to recovery. Look for those God puts in your path to help you. You can discover freedom.

Do yourself a favor and listen to this message. You can skip to minute 42:50 if you don’t want to listen through the worship. Just don’t stop listening early because you don’t want to fight through the storm on your own when God want to fight the storm for you.

God is good and He wants to set everyone free. Remember that nothing you have done or gone through is too big for Him. Reach out to God and if you need a person, reach out until you find the help you need. Keep calling to God, He will hear you and will help you walk through the storm.

Allow God out of the box

I love what Pastor Curtis said about how we put God in a box. God does not operate in a box. If you ever think you have figured God out, you are mistaken. He works in different ways all the time and will do more than you can imagine to help you. The only box God has to deal with is the one we put Him in. Let God break out of that box that you have Him in. You can discover freedom. Let Him bless you.