Prepared to celebrate Christ’s birth.


As Christmas is right around the corner, I hope this finds you and your family well and prepared to celebrate Christ’s birth.

After last year’s big events, it was nice having some down time this year. We all had an opportunity to go on some smaller trips, some as separate couples and others were some precious family trips and get togethers. These are gifts more precious than the gifts we share during Christmas. More importantly is the most precious Gift that is free to each of us, Christ our Savior.

Speaking into the lives of others

Having the privilege to speak into my first granddaughter’s life(almost 3 now, Oh my), I want to share a time of her speaking into mine.

I have always tried to make time each day to spend time with Jesus. Lately, I have been able to have that time in the morning. I like morning because I feel more alert and the idea of Christ being first seems appropriate to make that the time to spend with Him. More on that later.

With the busyness of Thanksgiving preparation starting days before, I moved my Bible to the kitchen table where I usually have my devotion. With the distractions of my husband being home(good thing), our granddaughter being with us(good thing) and lots I wanted to accomplish(good thing), I found myself later(maybe early afternoon) telling my husband, Look, “My Bible is still sitting there and I have not read it yet”. Our granddaughter speaks up, us not even knowing that she would be paying a bit of attention, and says, “Well read it now, silly.”

Don’t be to busy

Of course silly. That is what we call her when she is silly and does things for no apparent reason. So for no apparent reason, I was distracted by being busy instead of making Christ my priority. I have already realized in my life, that I can accomplish more in my day by taking time to start it with Him. He helps it go smoother and helps me be more productive. I hear people say they don’t have time. I say, “I don’t have time not to.” I notice it in my own life and I notice it in the lives of others. It is amazing to see some struggle with trying to get so much accomplished and no time for Christ and they seem to never get out from under their heavy load.

Depending on the season of life I was in determined what part of the day I did my devotions. In my younger days, it seemed I had more motivation in the evening so I never considered myself a morning person. Of course with work and children, you get up early anyway but I was only up at the last possible moment to give myself time to be ready. That being said, my devotions were not usually in the morning but I have had times that mornings worked out for me. I even at times would get up before anyone to get that time in before the hustle and bustle of those busy days began.

Make quiet time

Quiet time of any kind has become uncomfortable for most people these days. They want to fill every moment with noise and activity of some kind. I have found quiet time to be a good thing. The time of day does not make much difference, but taking quiet time to spend with Jesus makes a big difference. If you don’t already, there is no better time than this as we begin to prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33(NIV)

May you and your family share memories and blessings as you celebrate Jesus’ Birthday 2019 and enter a New Year of His Blessings 2020.

Being an Overcomer

While the Israelites were en route to the Red Sea, they spoke against God and against Moses. Numbers 21:4-5

God sent snakes and some died. Others went to Moses and rebuked and asked that the snakes would be taken away. Numbers 21:6-7

Moses prayed and God gave instructions to overcome the snakes bites. He did not take the snakes away. Numbers 21:8-9

In Revelation 3:7-13, the message to the Church in Philadelphia and Revelation 3:14-22, the message to the Church in Laodicea are powerful stories of being an over comer and the benefits that are in store for those that endure.

May 2014 be a year of overcoming.

Two great videos for a positive outlook and encouragement. Both are worth watching.

Trust God

5Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

6in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3 (NIV)


We need to trust in the Lord with what is going on in our life all the time. It isn’t always about trusting God to do what we ask but to trust Him to do what is right because that will accomplish the most.


Our view of the situation may not be what is best for all that are involved. If we would get our answer the way we wanted, we could be selling ourselves short or selling others short. God may have better plans for us so let’s trust in the Lord to the point of trusting Him to work out the details and bring about the right outcome.


Why would we want to believe what we understand of the situation when God has so much more understanding of what is going on and what the future holds. Let’s lean on what He knows.


Let our ways be His and let Him lead us down the path He has planned. Ask Him to let us know when we are straying off that path that He has planned for us. It is the path that will give us the most we can get out of life. When we wander from the path we miss the blessings that were planned for that time.