We can allow good things into our lives and bad things into our lives. When we have given our life to Christ, He will help us develop the good and help us get rid of the bad. This process will be different for each individual. The difference will be in how God wants to work in the individual’s life. It will depend on their past experience and what God wants to do in their life. The personality and character that the person has will also come into play. God created us and knows the best way to guide us. He has given us a free will and if we choose Christ, He will work to give us the best. The process will also depend on our willingness and commitment. With some, God will choose to take a bunch of obstacles out of our way at one time. With others, He may chose to take one at a time. Whatever way God chooses will work. Don’t compare your walk with what you see in others. Every one of us should be working on something if we are faithfully allowing God to work in our life. We will never achieve perfection this side of eternity so we all have progress to make.
We should be asking God to point out our strong areas so that we can develop those and use them to His glory. Don’t look at others and wish you were in that position. God has a special work for you and when you are ready, He will allow that area of your life to blossom like the flowers. We just need to ask Him daily what is expected of us. He will guide us throughout our day. We should be positive and display an attitude of Christ as we walk through our day wherever that is at this point in our life. If we walk in obedience where we are, we will be led where Christ wants us to be. He will lead us to fulfill the desires of our heart. We may not even clearly know what those desires are but when we get there, the joy and satisfaction will let us know we are in God’s will.
We should be asking God to show us our weakness, to remove any sin in our life that has crept in or never been removed, and to help us in our daily walk to get rid of the things that hinder us and our purpose. If the bad is not removed, it will grow like weeds. If they remain long enough they get deeply rooted and they grow to become seed that continues to multiply. If we cut the bad stuff out as soon as it is recognized as bad, there is less of a chance of that happening. Get it out of there before it goes to seed.
Dandelions multiply quickly. If we allow them to go to seed they can fill a yard in no time. If we live in a development, they are probably a nuisance. We probably have to use weed killer and continue to keep them under control. This is how it should be with the bad things in our life, constantly keeping it in check. Bitterness, idleness, cheating, envy, and unforgiveness are just a few. If you live in the country, you may have grown accustomed to seeing a field of wild flowers. Dandelions may be something you enjoy. People eat the greens and the flower can actually look great when they cover a field. The good in our life can actually multiply in the same way. We can choose to fertilize and help it to develop. The things we do in our life and with our life will affect our life and those around us. We should be asking God continuously to help us keep the things in our life in order.