What was the first sin?
Did sin enter the world when Adam and Eve ate the apple or when Satan deceived Adam and Eve by asking them to eat?
Be Thankful
We should be thankful for all that God has given us. He created the world and lavished us with so much. Because of sin, our world is flawed. We can’t experience it like God wanted us to but we can still taste God’s goodness. We are also flawed because of sin. We can look around and see many hurts all over the world because of sin. We have a Savior that simply by invitation will cover our sin with His blood that will allow us to be righteous before God and He will enable us to live above the sin if we seek Him in all things. This is something to be thankful for even if we wouldn’t have any of the other beauty that surrounds us.
Sin is Selfish
Sin is a selfish act. It usually brings some type of temporary satisfaction but it leads to the destruction of the one participating and it leads to hurting others that it touches. The person that is involved in sin will affect all people in their surroundings, including family, friends, bystanders and even those that are also involved in the same or similar acts of that sin.
Mistake Or Sin?
If we do something accidentally, we can call it a mistake. When we do something even though we know it will hurt ourselves or someone else, then it is sin. The knowing is what makes the distinction.
We like to write off our sin as a mistake and blame others for what we have done. Sometimes, we even blame God for our actions. We also blame Him for the circumstance that we experience because of our actions. We can live righteously before God when we can take responsibility for our decisions and our actions, admit our mistakes, and confess our sin.
Confession of sins to Christ is the big one. He already knows but we don’t receive forgiveness unless we ask. If we have unforgiven sin in our lives, it separates us from God and our other prayers will not reach Him. To be sure, we should enter our prayer time by asking for forgiveness of anything that may be in the way of reaching God. Ask Him to point out areas where we need to repent. Then He will hear our petitions and work in our life.
To avoid responsibility, we look for someone else to blame. If we had any way to keep from doing what we did and still did it, then we should accept the responsibility and the blame is on us. The sin needs to be confessed without putting blame on others. If we are truly seeking God and want to do right, He will provide a way of escape when we are tempted to do wrong. We will have to choose to hold our ground or to step into the danger zone.
The danger zone may take us to places we never wanted to go. The more disobedient we become and the further from God we get will just cause us more difficulty when and if we ever choose to go back. It would be better to not go there. We must seek God for help before we take that step and if we do slip, it is best to repent and turn immediately.
John 9:31
31We know that God does not listen to sinners; he does listen to people who respect him and do what he wants them to do.
13No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Isaiah 64:7 (NLT)
7Yet no one calls on your name or pleads with you for mercy. Therefore, you have turned away from us and turned us over to our sins.