22-24“Simpletons! How long will you wallow in ignorance?
Cynics! How long will you feed your cynicism?
Idiots! How long will you refuse to learn?
About face! I can revise your life.
Look, I’m ready to pour out my spirit on you;
I’m ready to tell you all I know.
As it is, I’ve called, but you’ve turned a deaf ear;
I’ve reached out to you, but you’ve ignored me.
Is He asking to be your friend?
Is He asking to grow deeper in your relationship with Him?
Why won’t we move?
Why do we just go through the motions?
Do we think we are good enough and good people make it to heaven?
Why don’t we want more of God all the time?
We should never get to the point of not wanting more because we will always have room to improve.
What will it take?
- A good Prayer
- A good Sermon
- A good Testimony
- A Song
- A Shattered Dream
- The Death of Someone Close
- Family Devastation
- Financial Collapse
- Marital Problems
- Serious Illness
- Serious Accident
What is stopping you?
- Pride (With pride comes destruction)
- Arrogance (With a haughty spirit comes a fall)
- What people will think (Who do you want to please? God or People?
- Fear of what God may ask you to do (God won’t give you anything that He won’t supply you with what you need)
- Wanting to stay in your comfy zone (God will be with you through everything)
- Fear of not having control (If you don’t give God control, who do you think has control?)
Will it be worth it?
What blessings are we giving up because we refuse to be obedient to Christ?
Would it be better to bow out of obedience or to fall on our face in humiliation or out of desperation?
Do we want to bow out of adoration or devastation?
We will bow! We can bow now and be blessed or we will bow in disgrace.
10 so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,