We can choose a Ho Hum, Hum Drum life if we want or we can choose the abundant, fulfilling life that we can have through Christ. Both will surely have troubles but how we handle them and how we come out on the other end is what will be the difference.
We have 10 Commandments that serve as a guideline to how to have an abundant life. God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will help us to know what the 10 Commandments can do for us and will fill in the gaps that the Law cannot fulfill. The Trinity will be our strength to be able to walk according to the Commandments.
When we choose to disregard the Commandments and live our lives by breaking them, we will feel the heaviness. We may feel guilt or be burdened with extra problems. When we don’t have the feeling of guilt, we will have a numbness that is from Satan that will keep us in bondage. We may have more problems because of the consequences that come from breaking the Commandments. The Commandments were given to us to give us a better life. They are guidelines that will keep us from the problems that result from not obeying them. God gave them to us to help us not to hinder us.
When we have that heaviness that comes from disobedience, we lose the ability to become all that we were meant to be. We think we are free to break them so that should bring freedom. This is what Satan would want us to believe because he comes to kill and destroy. He deceives by offering freedom and then gives us bondage. He does not want us to have the abundant life that God has for us. Instead of bringing us freedom, we become weighed down with problems and circumstances that hold us back from that abundant life.
It has to be us that decide to throw off the weight that Satan has burdened us with. It has to be us that decides to live our life in the abundance that Christ has to offer us. We have choices everyday and what we decide will determine how fulfilling our life will be. May it be all that God has intended.