Men have this thing about wanting to fix things, to fix problems whether the problem is theirs or someone else’s, to do things on their own, to achieve on their own. This is great until things don’t work out so well. When things don’t work out so well, they lose motivation and confidence.
God wants to be a part of every project and problem that we face. Sometimes it is hard for a man to turn to God for help because they have that in them to handle it on their own. Especially when it involves another human being, the man will have to come to terms with the fact that we cannot change others. God gave them a free will and God does not cross that so what makes us think we will be able to.
Men that are doing their best to follow God will often do what they can until things get ugly and then they will call on God. God wants to be a part of the project and solution from the beginning. If we invite Him to help from the beginning, we will save ourselves a lot of grieve.
When men face issues that cause them to feel like failures like a child not turning out like they expected, a failed marriage, not being able to find work or maybe a job that isn’t meeting the needs for his family like he would like, etc., they may often get discouraged and lose motivation. This is a great time to be walking with God because He can remind us of who we are in Christ. We may be trying to solve an issue that involves another human being and we may need to come to terms that it is not going to happen. Maybe it is just a matter of letting go and letting God. Sometimes when we do that it allows God to work. It will be out of obedience and admitting that It can’t be done without God that the answer will come.
Sometimes the answer that we want does not come. That is when we have to decide if we are going to let it destroy us or allow God to work in it and use it to bring Him glory. This is not about us. This is about God. We are but a speck of dust that only exists for a second compared to eternity that God loves and will work to our betterment through everything that we go through but we have to let Him work. It will all come to completion and we will find joy again but it takes that step of letting God do what God wants to do it the situation. The end will be better in the long run. What good does it do to get down on ourselves and feel sorry for ourselves? We must move ahead and continue to follow in the steps that God leads us. It is not what crosses our path that matters. It is what we do with it that matters and what we allow it to do to us. Don’t be defeated. Give it to God and move ahead.