What Does Christianity Look Like?

Maybe you look at Christians and say that’s not for me. Well that’s not necessarily what God has for you. If you don’t like what someone’s relationship with God looks like, don’t worry. You are different and God does not want you to have their relationship. He created you unique and He wants to have a unique relationship with you. You will like the one He has for you, but you have to be the one to invite Him to share His plan with you. He has special plans for you and won’t give you more than you can handle and He will get you through the things that are tough. Just ask. Talk to Him. You will see.

You have probably seen Christians act badly but don’t let that stop you from what God has for you. He is still working on them. He works on each of us differently and at different times. He requests different things from us based on our abilities and desires that He has given us. His plan is complete. Pray for the Christian that you think is acting improperly because they may need some extra strength. Ask God to work in their life because it is not our job to fix them. Focus on God not on people because people will fail you.

It is also not someone’s else job to fix us. We need to be seeking God and walking in the light that He gives us. God may put people in our path to help guide us but be certain they are on the path we want to be on. If we are stumbling, ask God to help us get straightened out so that we aren’t causing our brother to stumble. We are never above falling. If you think you are, you are probably closer than ever to the edge of the cliff. Be careful.

Christianity will look different to everyone and it will also be a different experience for everyone.