Where Is Christ As You Put Away Your Christmas Decorations?

Now that most of us have all our Christmas decorations packed back in boxes and maybe find ourselves putting away those few pieces that we left behind, let’s make sure we don’t leave Christ behind. Make sure you don’t put Him away in a box. Be sure to keep Him in the front and center of your life so that 2013 can be all that it is meant to be. Christ will give you a 2013 that will bring Him glory and you betterment no matter what your year holds. May God Be With You and Bless you as you begin another year with Him.

Are You Still Celebrating?

Hopefully you have celebrated the birth of Christ in the last couple months. If not, you have that opportunity everyday to celebrate. If you don’t have that reason to celebrate, today is the day of salvation. You can have that opportunity to celebrate by accepting Him as your Savior today.

If you have been celebrating, don’t stop now. Keep celebrating. Christ gives us so much to celebrate that everyday has something in it that we can praise Him for. Look for that reason to celebrate. May God Bless You each day during 2013.

Persecution and Problems

No one said it was easy to follow Christ. He tells us in this world we will have troubles. We have troubles whether we walk with Him or not. The difference is the amount of troubles and whether we go through them alone or with Him.

We will be persecuted. We will think differently than the world thinks. We may be called names or laughed at. Consider it joy because we are living for the Lord and we will receive our reward. Look at what Christ went through. We should be just like Him and forgive them for they know not what they do. They are not yet understanding God’s perspective. Until they do, they will not see things the same and therefore may do things and say things that may be inappropriate. We should forgive and pray for them.

They are not perfect and we are not perfect. They may still need to accept Jesus as their Savior but they are loved just the same. Allow God to deal with others and let’s do our best when God deals with us.

Are Children Always A Reflection Of Their Parents?

We often think our children are a reflection of us, but that is not always the case. Sometimes they choose to go against everything they have been taught, everything we stand for and even everything they know. Why? We don’t always know why, but don’t let their behavior destroy you. When we stand before God, it will be us not them that God sees.

We often worry about what others are thinking or saying. That does not matter either. They are not the ones we have to stand before. God knows our intention and He knows the part we played in the choices our children make. God knows our heart and we are to please Him not people. They do not always know our heart. We just need to continue to walk in all the light we have and let God do a work in our children. God can work in the areas where we have failed. We must trust God to also work in the areas where our children have failed.

An Opportunity

Life’s problems may be an opportunity that God has allowed into your life. If we live for Him, His hands will filter all that we face. He helps us through when we seek Him. He will carry us when we are weak. Be joyful in everything. There is excitement as you anticipate seeing His plan unfold in your life.