Are You A Smoker?

Do you see people on oxygen, some struggling to breath, some coughing, and wonder what is wrong or if they will make it through their coughing spell?

Do you say, “I never want to be that miserable”?

What are you doing to prevent it?

Everything we do has consequences. Those consequences are good and bad depending mostly on the decisions we make.

We can decide today, this moment to be a NON-SMOKER. There are helps out there to aid in that decision, but the best thing to do for yourself is to see yourself as a NON-SMOKER. Fight off the temptation. Just like anything you put off, like cleaning the toilet. Put off having that cigarette. Find something else to do.

If you fail, don’t quit trying. Put the cigarette out as soon as you realize you slipped. Be determined. You CAN do it. You will benefit from the fight you put into it. The longer you go without, the easier it will become. You may not believe it now but it will become easier.

If you gain unwanted weight, do something else to lose weight. Exercise will help and it will also give you a better sense of well being that will help with your ability to quit smoking. You will reap other benefits from the exercise as well.

Withdrawal time will be different for everyone. Don’t be discouraged. Temptation will come but don’t give into it. There is always a way out.


Find support, accountability, encouragement, etc.!

Don’t keep cigarettes handy!

Avoid atmospheres that bring about temptation!

Avoid others that smoke!